Saturday, July 17, 2010


wat is d meaning by frens actually???

Have you ever wondered what the real essence of the saying "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed" is? People talk about the true value of friendship actually without knowing what it stands for.

The trust between best friends is such that if one friend falls in trouble, the other will not think twice to help. If the bond between two friends is strong, true friends can endure even long distances. For them, geographical separation is just a part of life. It would not affect their friendship. True friendship never fades away. In fact, it grows better with time. True friendship thrives on trust, inspiration and comfort. Best friends come to know, when the other person is in trouble, merely by listening to their "Hello" over the phone. They can even understand each other's silence.

True friends don't desert each other when one is facing trouble. They would face it together and support each other, even if it is against the interests of the other person. Best friends don't analyze each other; they don't have to do so. They accept each other with their positive and negative qualities. Nothing is hidden between true friends. They know each other's strengths as well as weaknesses. One would not overpower the other. They would respect each other's individuality. In fact, they would understand the similarities and respect the differences. Best friends don't stand any outsider commenting or criticizing their friendship and they can put up a very firm resistance, if anyone does so.

True friends are not opportunists. They don't help, because they have something to gain out of it. True friendship is marked by selflessness. Best friends support even each other, even if the whole world opposes them. It is not easy getting true friends for the lifetime. If you have even one true friend, consider yourself blessed. Remember, all best friends are friends, but not all friends can be best friends. In this world of cynics and back stabbers, there are still some people who are worth being friends with. They have to be recognized and respected for being best friends, for the lifetime.

family dat matters...

in life, things dat really matters much is family... without d help from my famly, i wont succeed in dis momento.

since i was little, many things happen... one of it is high fever! really high fever dat can caused death. aku koma selama seminggu lebey... sedar je dr koma, sadness thing is i'd lost my MEMORY!!! doesn't noe who is my mom, my dad, my siblings....nothing inside d head...

its like a BLANK paper!

yet, after knowing dat i lost my memory, there's another prob came up...

AKU CACAT!!! i can't move! i can't speak! aku hanya boleh bgerak kalo ada org yg buat aku bgerak. kalu aku duduk,duduk jer. kalu tgn lurus, lurus je smpy ada org ubahkn tgn aku ke posisi lain... bayangkan kalu nak past-motion??? nak kareb??? nak bgtau ngan org?? aku bisu!!
cammane nak ckp???

keluar dr hospital, hidup aku dh xde ape dh... duduk kat tingkap, tgk bdk2 normal bmain..aku???

EMAK!!! bsusah payah jumpa org untuk ubatkan aku dr cacat yg aku alami. agk2 blh x aku sembuh??harus blh..kalu x, xde derrr nak tulis blog nie...allalalal...

Nywy, emak yg berusaha cara tradisional ubatkan aku...thx MOM!! org yg bsusah payah mbebaskan aku dr 'ikatan cacat' adalh seorg need 2 mention his name aiteee!! thx 2 them im 'free' from it... selang couple of days, aku dpt jln....BERTATIH balik... ABC pon kene ajr balik... byk pengorbanan yg dilakukan oleh FAMLY utk aku....

seingt aku, pkataan ptama yg aku sebut, MONYET!!! yela budak br nak ckp...time 2 , aku ngah tgk national geographic dgn abh...sume psl haiwan yg ada kat dlm hutan. ble tv show pic dugong, abh pon ajarlah......

abah: cuba sebut...Dugooooonggg...
aku: (diam, tp dlm hati sebut)

lps sekor, sekor binatang abh sebut...nak bg aku bcakap balik....aku??? remain silence...

abh: tok Monyeettt...
aku: emmm...emmm...Mooo..mooo...nyettt..nyett...

finally aku CKP!!! aku ingt lg ble aku dpt ckp je, abh nangis!! happy xterkata...aku tgk dorg ngs aku pon ngs, tgk dorg gelak aku gelak...mcm org bodoh...btl2 mcm budak br nak 2 la...

Alhamdulillah, ingatan aku xhilang aku coma kjp so % memori yg hilang pon sikit jer... aku blh smbg balik psekolahan aku mcm biasa....bjaya masuk drjh 3hijau (turun kelas dr kelas pandai ke kurg pandai)...

aku menjalani hidup dgn normal sehinggalah sekarang. Setiap apa yg blaku sblm aku sakit langsung xingt ape2...yg aku ingt selepas aku sakit sehingga sekarang....mak aku salu gak crite balik kngn aku sakit 2, aku cube nak ingt...manelah tau teringt balik...NONE!!! ZERRO tros!!

sekarang aku 22thn...byk kejadian yg menimpa aku selama aku mbesar untuk menjadi seorang manusia. manusia yg tahu erti berdikari, tahu akan erti membalas budi mereka yg berbudi, tp yg paling penting, aku BERSYUKUR aku masih lg bernafas di atas muka bumi Allah ini. terima kasih YA ALLAH!!! Terima KAsih Emak! Terima Kasih Abah! Terima Kasih Keluarga kerana bgalas demi aku...